Fiche album  |  retour

60.00 €

Livré sous 15 jours

Kirsten Edkins

Shapes & Sound

AVAILABILITY : 28/02/2023 (subject Cohearent Records)

Musiciens/Orchrestre :
Kirsten Edkins (saxophone), Gerald Clayton (piano), Ahmet Turkmenoglu (bass), Lemar Guillary (trombone), Chris Wabich (drums)

Label :
Cohearent Records

Grammage : 180

1 LP | 33rpm | Stéréo | Limited Edition

Description :
- Debut album recorded for launch of new record label by award-winning mastering engineer Kevin Gray ! - Recorded all-analog / all-tube at Gray's new studio, Cohearent Recording, for Cohearent Records ! - Shapes and ... [Tout afficher]

Répertoire :

  • Side A :
  • 1. Party Slug
  • 2. Bird Shapes
  • 3. Dedicated To You
  • 4. The Goose
  • Side B :
  • 1. Sweet Pickles
  • 2. Wuhoo
  • 3. Proprietary Minor
  • 4. Hula Hoop

Extrait :

Référence: Cohearent Records CR-AV 2201

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