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48.00 €

Livré sous 15 jours

Duke Jordan / Mads Vinding & Ed Thigpen

Flight To Denmark

Musiciens/Orchrestre :
Duke Jordan (piano), Mads Vinding (bass), Ed Thigpen (drums)

Label :

Grammage : 180

1 LP | 33rpm | Stéréo | Limited Edition

Description :
Led by pianist Duke Jordan, recorded in 1973 and released on the Danish SteepleChase label. Upon Duke Jordan's initial visit to Copenhagen, Denmark, followed by his decision to make the move as an expatriate permanent, he was ... [Tout afficher]

Répertoire :

  • Side A :
  • 1. No Problem
  • 2. Here's That Rainy Day
  • 3. Everything Happens To Me
  • 4. Glad I Met Pat
  • Side B :
  • 1. How Deep Is The Ocean ?
  • 2. Green Dolphin Street
  • 3. If I Did - Would You ?
  • 4. Flight To Denmark

Extrait :

Référence: SteepleChase 1011

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