Monty Alexander & Ernest Ranglin - Untitled - Horch House

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Monty Alexander & Ernest Ranglin


Musiciens/Orchrestre :
Monty Alexander (piano), Ernest Ranglin (guitar)

Label :
Horch House

Master tapes : Master tapes

Stereo | Limited Edition | AAD Selection

Description :
Monty Alexander has been one of the most popular pianists in jazz for over 50 years. Early on, his prodigious technique and wide-ranging style garnered comparisons with the great Oscar Peterson. But there has always been another ... [Show more]

Tracks :

  • 1. Just Friends
  • 2. If I Should Lose You
  • 3. Taboo
  • 4. Cruxian Dance
  • 5. Con Alma
  • 6. Fools Rush In
  • 7. Consider
  • 8. Mountain Melody
  • 9. Lullaby Of The Leaves
  • 10. Fly Me To The Moon

Extract :

Reference: Horch House