Bill Evans - Symbiosis - Horch House

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Bill Evans


Musiciens/Orchrestre :
Bill Evans (piano Stenway & Fender rodhes), Harvey Estrin, Jerry Dodgion, Phil Woods, Walt Levinsky (saxophone), Eddie Gomez (bass), Bernie Glow, Johnny Frosk, Marky Markowitz, Mel Davis (trumpet), Dave Carey, Doug Allen, George Devens (percussion)...

Label :
Horch House

Master tapes : Master tapes

Stereo | Limited Edition

Description :
Bill Evans : Leader of one of most influential trios in jazz history, invaluable contributor to the model explorations on Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue. Miles said it best : “Bill had this quiet fire that I loved on piano. The way he ... [Show more]

Tracks :

  • 1. 1st Movement / Moderato, various temp (a, b, c)
  • 2. 2nd Movement / Largo - Andante - Maestoso - Largo (a, b)

Extract :

Reference: Horch House