Baden Powell - Images On Guitar - Horch House

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Baden Powell

Images On Guitar

Musiciens/Orchrestre :
Baden Powell (guitar), Ernesto Gonsalves (bass), Alfredo Bessa (percussion), Janine De Waleyne (vocals), Joaquin Paes Henriques (drums)

Label :
Horch House

Master tapes : Master tapes

Stereo | Limited Edition

Description :
Crowned with one of the most fanciful covers in the entire MPS catalogue, this October 1971 Baden Powell recording heralded in the second trilogy of the six LPs he recorded for the label between 1966 and 1975. Fueled by his ... [Show more]

Tracks :

  • 1. Ate-Eu
  • 2. Petite Waltz
  • 3. Violao Vagabundo
  • 4. Conversaco Comigo Mesmo
  • 5. Blues A Volonté
  • 6. Sentimentos Se Voce Pergunta Nunca Vai Saber
  • 7. E De Lei
  • 8. Canto

Extract :

Reference: Horch House